The human brain
The Human Brain has about 10^18 Tubulins and 10^11 Neurons:
" The first detailed quantum model of consciousness was probably the American physicist
Evan Walker's synaptic tunneling model (1970), in which electrons can
"tunnel" between adjacent neurons, thereby creating a virtual neural network
overlapping the real one. It is this virtual nervous system that produces consciousness
and that can direct the behavior of the real nervous system. The real nervous system
operates by means of synaptic messages. The virtual one operates by means of the quantum
effect of tunneling (particles passing through an energy barrier that classically they
should not be able to climb). The real one is driven by classical laws, the virtual one by
quantum laws. Consciousness is therefore driven by quantum laws, even if the brain's
behavior can be described by classical laws. "
" One of the strongest proponents of a theory of consciousness founded on Quantum Theory
is Roger Penrose in person, one of the leading British physicists of our times. In his
opinion, consciousness must be a quantum phenomenon because neurons are too big to account
for consciousness. Inside neurons there is a "cytoskeleton", the structure that
holds cells together, whose "microtubules" (hollow protein cylinders
25-nanometers in diameter) control the function of synapses. Penrose believes that
consciousness is a manifestation of the quantum cytoskeletal state and its interplay
between quantum and classical levels of activity. "
" Classical Physics can't explain consciousness "
" Many attempts have been made at explaining consciousness by reducing it to something
else. To no avail. There is no way that our sensations can be explained in terms of
particles. So, how does consciousness arise in matter?
The American physicist Henry Stapp holds that classical Physics cannot explain
consciousness because it cannot explain how the whole can be more than the parts. In
Quantum Mechanics, on the other hand, the relationship between the parts and the whole is
completely different. Stapp therefore advances a "quantum theory of
" All contemporary Neuroscience is based on classical Physics. No surprise that it
derives a view of the brain as a set of mechanical laws: that is the "only" view
that classical Physics can derive. No surprise that it cannot explain how consciousness
arises, since there is no consciousness in classical Physics. "
" No wonder most neurobiologists reach the conclusion that Physics cannot explain
consciousness, since they are using a Physics that
1. was designed to study matter and leave out consciousness and that
2. does not work in the microworld. Not surprisingly, it has been claimed that all current
neurobiological models are computationally equivalent to a Turing machine. "
My own opinion based on my own experience of aliens trying to push me here and
there by manipulating my mind is :
A big part of peoples consciousness and personality is a creation in alien (God's and
the klingons) computer software.
The consciousness and personality can be manipulated like playing on a musical instrument,
by aliens using quantum physics.
If the nerve is already there, it is simple as creating an electric signal in the nerve.
And most people would not even wonder where that signal came from.
As evidence we have people with multiple personalities, which the shrinks can't explain where they come from.
Peoples different animal DNA personality or brain structure is a deciding factor when
different aliens are choosing people to remote control.
Because if you want to remotecontrol anyone to kill someone, you would not choose anyone
with a pacifist chicken personality coded into the DNA. Because the kill-instructions is in conflict with the animal-NO, and the animal seems to be the stronger.
Most aliens pretend to be your consciousness and personality. Because it
keeps you quite and unaware of being manipulated.
There is reason to believe that a big part of human consciousness is remotecontrolled from alien civilisations.
Your personality is a symbiosis of your animal personality and a remotecontrolled simulation of a higher level personality.
That can also be the explanation to all those mental freaks that have multiple personalities or schizophrenia.
You are so silently pushed that you will not find the manipulation until you begin searching for it.
The small pushes to buy beer or the silent thinking help which we call intuition.
And if you drink and become drugged with coffe then your mouth sometimes becomes a remotecontrolled babbling machine.
And you have never wondered about all those small pushes that pops up in your head, in a remotecontrolled social conversation.
You are obviously living in some kind of remotecontrolled simulation. Where part of your life exist in an extarterrestrial computer as a simulation or mental exoskeleton that can manipulate you or help you and give you more mental power than the primitive ape you really are.
External links about qantum effects in the brain
Brain Really Uses Quantum Effects, New Study Finds
Sabine Hossenfelder
External links about reading your mind
With the technology of a billion year behind ET.
ET need no implants, and can do it from remote, billions of lightyears away.
How Artificial Intelligence Reads Minds
New Brain Computer interface technology
Amazing !
How long will it take until we can create telepathic communication, and remotecontrol a brain like demons and gods ?
But we are a billion years behind ET
Why Elon Musk, Facebook and MIT Are Betting On Mind-Reading Technology
Uploading Memories: Elon Musk's Brain Chip (Neuralink Future Technology)
Computers One Step Closer To Reading Your Mind
" But he says the ability of machines to detect what someone is thinking is progressing with remarkable speed. "
AI tool generates video from brain activity
Researchers at the National University of Singapore and the Chinese University of Hong Kong reported last week that they have developed a process capable of generating video from brain scans. The research is published on the arXiv preprint server.
Using a process called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), researchers Jiaxin Qing, Zijiao Chen and Juan Helen Zhou coupled data retrieved through imaging with the deep learning model Stable Diffusion to create smooth, high quality videos.
Successful recreations of still imagery gleaned from brain activity through AI-assisted Stable Diffusion, commonly used for image generation, have been reported in recent months. But, as Qing and his team reported, retrieving continuous visual images poses a particular challenge.
The process of fMRI generally taps blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signals and captures images of brain activity once every few seconds. This would yield poor-quality video images. A standard video capture rate is 30 frames per second.
"Understanding the information hidden within our complex brain activities is a big puzzle in cognitive neuroscience," Qing said. "The task of recreating human vision from brain recordings, especially using non-invasive tools like fMRI, is an exciting but difficult task."
His team achieved high-caliber video with their Mind-Video model. Described as "a two-module pipeline designed to bridge the gap between image and video brain decoding," its fMRI decoder progressively learns from acquired brain signals, training with image databases and fine tuning.
The results were high-quality videos, they said, complete with motion and scene dynamics at an accuracy rate of 85%.
Qing says their work shows promise for future large model applications "from neuroscience to brain-computer interfaces."
It's amazing !
But still far behind the extraterrestrial technology, a million years ahead of us, which can read and manipulate your brain from a distance of lightyears away.