CIA Remote viewing

CIA, the U.S. spy organization is sometimes spending money on scientific research.
But only with the evil intention of using the results as a weapon or a spying tool.


Remote viewing

Pick a point on the map and let the people with the paranormal abilities tell us what is there.
The ultimate spying tool.


Project Codename STAR GATE

" The Stargate Project was the umbrella code name of one of several sub-projects established by the U.S. Federal Government to investigate the reality, and potential military and domestic applications, of psychic phenomena, particularly "remote viewing:" the purported ability to psychically "see" events, sites, or information from a great distance. These projects were active from the 1970s through 1995, and followed up early psychic research done at The Stanford Research Institute (SRI), The American Society for Psychical Research, and other psychical research labs.

In 1995 the project was transferred to the CIA and a retrospective evaluation of the results was done. The CIA contracted the American Institutes for Research for an evaluation.
An analysis conducted by Professor Jessica Utts showed a statistically significant effect, with gifted subjects scoring 5%-15% above chance, though subject reports included a large amount of irrelevant information, and when reports did seem on target they were vague and general in nature.  Ray Hyman argued that Utts' conclusion that ESP had been proven to exist, especially precognition, "is premature and that present findings have yet to be independently replicated."
Based upon both of their collected findings, which recommended a higher level of critical research and tighter controls, the CIA terminated the 20 million dollar project, citing a lack of documented evidence that the program had any value to the intelligence community. "

The CIA terminated the project because they couldn't use it, and couldn't control it.
It was useless as a spying tool.
And the reason is because it is remote controlled by the aliens.



The Stanford Research Institute (SRI)

" In 1972, Dr. Harold E. Puthoff, then a researcher at SRI, put forth proposals to study quantum mechanics in life processes. This resulted in a series of studies in parapsychology, including the now controversial remote viewing programs that have been discontinued and partially declassified (see below).

In 1972, Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ initiated a series of human subject studies to determine whether participants (the viewers or percipients) could reliably identify and accurately describe salient features of remote locations or targets. In the early studies, a human sender was typically present at the remote location, as part of the experiment protocol. A three-step process was used, the first step being to randomly select the target conditions to be experienced by the senders. Secondly, in the viewing step, participants were asked to verbally express or sketch their impressions of the remote scene. Thirdly, in the judging step, these descriptions were matched by separate judges, as closely as possible, with the intended targets. The term remote viewing was coined to describe this overall process.

In order to explore the nature of remote viewing channel, the viewer in some experiments was secured in a double-walled copper-screened Faraday cage. Although this provided attenuation of radio signals over a broad range of frequencies, the researchers found that it did not alter the subject's remote viewing capability. They postulated that extremely low frequency (ELF) propagation might be involved, since Faraday cage screening is less effective in the ELF range. Such a hypothesis had previously been put forward by telepathy researchers in the Soviet Union.

Other examples include the apparent lack of attenuation of remote viewing due to seawater shielding (submersible experiments), the amplification of RV performance by use of error-correcting coding techniques, and the utility of a technique we call associational remote viewing (ARV) to generate useful predictive information "

Despite her belief in the validity of remote viewing, Utts concludes that Star Gate can be of little, if any, use as an intelligence tool. Believing psychic abilities to be inborn, Utts contends it would not be possible to train a corps of agents as remote viewers.

She also deems the information gathered by the method too arbitrary and unreliable to be useful or accurate -- even though, as she further admits, "The same is probably true of most sources of intelligence data." Utts suggests that the government discontinue its inquiry into whether psychic ability exists and instead study why it exists.

Nonetheless, a phenomenon's lack of an explanation constitutes only a null hypothesis, which is a necessary condition for establishing scientific fact, but not a sufficient condition.

Even in the best of circumstances, Hyman would not accept Star Gate as proof that psychic ability exists, because science does not accept new findings on the basis of one study conducted by one organization with no outside verification. Compounding matters is the cloak of government secrecy which isolated the affair during most of its existence -- a far cry from the open community spirit found on the frontiers of pure science.

Predictably, Hyman agrees with Utts that while Star Gate presents no useful applications for military intelligence, its findings are promising enough to merit continued research of another form.

The next step is to develop measurement methods for paranormal phenomena which define their occurrence in positive terms, rather than by their deviance from the expected norm. "Without such a theory," Hyman writes, "we might just as well argue that what has been demonstrated is a set of effects -- each one of which [may] be the result of an entirely different cause."


And in fact there is an "entirely different cause".

And we also know that someone is spying on the White House and the CIA, and they can't do anything to stop that.
Also look at the word STAR GATE and realize that some aliens tried to give the scientists a clue to what they were working on.
The tool to communicate with the stars.




External links about Remote viewing

Most of this research is done from the wrong point of view, in which the scientists believe these people to have the supernatural powers within themselves. The truth is that this power is coming from outside, the same way as intuition and hearing voices.

Telepathy and remote viewing sounds like magic performed by supermen with superpowers until you find the correct physical explanation. It can be simple explained as using ET as a satellite. Noone have the supernatural powers within themselves.

The CIA have done their own research in this matter, trying to find anything that could be used as a weapon or spying tool.
Research done by people who don't know what they are dealing with.
And want ET to fool them to believe that people have superpowers.
And doing evil military research for scumbags who want to kill people.
I don't think that ET, Jesus, God, Angels will cooperate in that research.
Banned TEDTalk about Psychic Abilities
CIA Project Stargate & Other Declassified Secrets - How Successful Were They?
The US Army's Secret Paranormal Soldiers - The Stargate Project




Links about Military weapons and research

The new arms race
Which nation will be the first to build the new "quantum weapon", the U.S, China or Russia.
When the enemy presses the kill button the U.S president will throw himself out from a window or hang himself.
And the man on that submarine that should have presssed the button and fired the missiles got an epileptic attack and is lying on the floor. Every submarine can be tracked i real time with this new technique. The first primitive experiments will perhaps lock like epilepsy or like the "Havana syndrome", and will also be about tracking a brain in real time.
And it's possible to use this new technique to spy in the head of anyone in the White House or pentagon.
Game over. The U.S lost the war.

That will perhaps start a new arms race.

Or can be used to convince the men with the big wallets to pay for the research.
Can the U.S government take the risk of China or Russia having superior weapons in a war.
A weapon that can neutralize and make the U.S nuclear weapons useless.

You know that you lost the arms race when you hear voices speak chinese "ching dong yan-kee cho" in your head telling you to go hang yourself damn Yankee :-)

The Havana syndrome is piece of cake compared to what is possible to do with this zapper technology.
Is it the Russians or the Chinese that have made a break through in this technology and left the clueless Yankees behind with heavy headache.
Or is it the stupid Yankees themselves that have to many top secret radio installations and special high power secure phones frying their own brains. Blaming their own stupidity on someone else.
Can you afford to ignore the zapper technology and let the enemy overrun your defence.
When you all have headache or are jumping out the window it is to late. You have no secure top secrets when the enemy can read your mind and know your military planning from far away.