Hearing voices

About 3 to 5 percent of the population can hear voices babble in their heads.
It is intelligent conversation, but sometimes singing or talking bullshit, and can involve multiple voices. Some are hostile or lying to you and others are friendly and helpful.
Sometimes these voices are barking and fighting each other.


From Wikipedia :
The Hearing Voices movement can be said to have been established in 1987, by Professor Marius Romme, a social psychiatrist and Sandra Escher, a science journalist, both from the Netherlands, with the formation of an organization for voice hearers and others interested in this phenomenon

In 1997 a meeting of voice hearers and mental health workers was held in Maastricht, Netherlands to discuss developing the further promotion and research into the issue of voice hearing. The meeting decided to create a formal organizational structure to provide administrative and co-ordinating support to the wide variety of initiatives in the different involved countries. The new network was called INTERVOICE (The International Network for Training, Education and Research into Hearing voices).

INTERVOICE is critical of psychiatry in relation to the way the profession generally understands and treats people who hear voices and holds that their research has led them to the position that schizophrenia is an unscientific and unhelpful hypothesis which should be abandoned, (Romme, 2006).


Facts :
Psychiatry can't explain hearing voices.
And can't explain multiple personalities or schizophrenia.
But they can speculate about it, but not find any trustworthy explanation or cure. 


  • Hearing voices is not in itself a sign of mental illness.
  • Hearing voices is experienced by many people who do not have symptoms that would lead to diagnosis of mental illness.
  • Romme cites demographic research including studies by A. Y. Tien, (1991) and Eaton W.W. et al. 1991) indicating that hearing voices in itself is not a symptom of an illness, but is apparent in 2 - 4 % of the population (some research gives higher estimates) and even more (about 8%) have peculiar personal convictions, aka delusions, and do so without being ill. His own research has provided further verification of this.
  • 70% of voice hearers reported that their voices had begun after a severe traumatic or intensely emotional event, such as an accident, divorce or bereavement, sexual or physical abuse, love affairs, or pregnancy.


The hearing of voices is documented through history, and can't be declared as insane if you think about the fact that Jesus, Mohammed and other people from the Holy Books heard voices speak to them. And also the U.S. President G Bush says he heard God speak to him,( but he is the exception,  insane.)
And since hearing voices have the same source of origin and explanation as intuition, and Nobel Prize Winners are affected, it is clean to speak about it.


The voices are not like zxzsss gnirk hello sxxxcshhh, no random babble, no hissing sounds.
The voices are intelligent conversation about what is happening nearby and about what you are thinking about.
And can include advice about what will happen in the future (precognition capability).
Some of these voices can be hostile and lying to you, others will help you.

These voices are remote controlled from alien civilizations, and if the SETI and NASA scientists have any brains they will begin to investigate it.




External links about hearing voices

Those who don't want you to fell asleep.
A mix of good and evil zapping from our neighbours in the galaxy.
3 to 5 percent of all the people can hear voices talking in their heads.

<=   Also se links in Subconsciousness / Schizophrenia.

What is the difference between hearing voices and schizophrenia ?

It is the same extra terrestrial technique that causes these voices.
The question is, why are some people diagnosed with schizophrenia.

The only difference is that people diagnosed with schizophrenia become so paranoid or sick that they look for help at the hospital.
They are a clear minority of all people hearing voices.
Some people can't stand hearing voices in their heads, because they have extreme paranoia or are stupid, or the voices only says evil things.
Other people see these voices as guardian angels or Jesus himself.

Most of the websites about hearing voices have come to the same conclusion, that hearing voices have the same explanation as intuition.

Up To 28% Of All People Hear Voices - WHY?

Hearing Voices : an Insiders Guide to Auditory Hallucinations

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" Angelo, a London-born scientist in his early 30s with sandy brown hair, round wire-frame glasses and a slight, unobtrusive stammer, vividly recalls the day he began to hear voices. It was Jan. 7, 2001, and he had recently passed his Ph.D. oral exams in chemistry at an American university, where, for the previous four and a half years, he conducted research into infrared electromagnetism. Angelo was walking home from the laboratory when, all of a sudden, he heard two voices in his head. “It was like hearing thoughts in my mind that were not mine,” he explained recently. “They identified themselves as Andrew and Oliver, two angels. In my mind’s eye, I could see an image of a bald, middle-aged man dressed in white against a white background. This, I was told, was Oliver.” What the angels said, to Angelo’s horror, was that in the coming days, he would die of a brain hemorrhage. Terrified, Angelo hurried home and locked himself into his apartment. "

some ET:s are evil and pretend to be Gods and angels.
And you can't always trust your intuition.

How Does Intuition Speak To Me ?

" Intuitive hearing: The word, clairaudient, is used to describe an experience where you 'hear' something without the use of your physical ears. Harold describes a time when he was driving along a city street and an inner voice yelled, "Stop!" Startled, Harold immediately put on his brakes. Within seconds a small child ran out in front of his car from between two parked cars. He surely would have hit her without this clairaudient experience. "


" How does Intuition Work ?
Some people are gifted by having a natural ability to 'see things' or 'hear messages'. Intuition also works by using our nervous-muscular system and by manipulating our normal five senses - seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting. "

(Perhaps a red alert for this link because it sells things. Which means, don't trust everything you read. You can't sell God's voice and intuition, but you can help people listen.)

" And yet others may experience their inner sense as clairaudience (clear hearing) where they hear the answer as if by telepathy (this is not an hallucination). With practice a person can easily develop access to all 3 types of inner senses it is much the same as building up a muscle at the gym. The more you use it, the more powerful and easily it flows. "

The voice of God


" Many prophets throughout recorded history have heard voices that offered them divine wisdom and guidance. This spiritual phenomenon of hearing voices that no one else can hear can be a psychic gift known as clairaudience (meaning clear hearing), or mediumship, which is the ability to communicate with spirits on the Other Side. "

Organized (sick?) people
People that haven't visited this website and can't get the right explanation from those unexperienced doctors.


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" Eleanor Longden was a diagnosed schizophrenic and heard menacing voices in her head for 10 years. Now, she has fought back and has graduated with a brilliant honours degree in psychology. "


" British psychologist, Rufus May is taking an unusual approach to schizophrenia by encouraging his patients not to battle against their voices - but to embrace them.

"The voice in my head says: 'You have to kill yourself because it's the only way you'll be free,'" explains a young woman. "


" I've learned that my voices themselves are not a problem. It's my relationship with them that's important. Facing them and working with them has changed my life and made me feel optimistic about it instead of scared. "


" The film challenges our notions of mental health and how to treat it. May doesn't think Ruth is mentally ill and rejects the idea of treating her with powerful antipsychotic drugs. Instead, he teaches her to talk back to the voices in her head, with the aim of identifying and getting a grip on them and ultimately coming to control them. "

This link might have ceased to exist ?

" Imagine that you are sitting on a bench in an MBTA station, waiting for a train. Next to you is an older man, staring into the distance with a glazed look in his eyes. Every few minutes his lips move in silent speech. Then, his trance seems to break, and he turns to you.
"I hear voices in my head," he says, "that tell me what to do. "

Chances are you will politely nod, sidle to the end of the bench, and scan the platform for another place to sit. Your reaction likely mixes pity with anxiety, because auditory hallucinations signal psychosis, and you're saddened and unnerved encountering a person unable to distinguish between reality and illusion.

The man in the subway station fades from your mind until you next attend your house of prayer, whether it be a church, synagogue, or mosque. And as the priest or rabbi or imam delivers his sermon, he refers to sacred texts that recount how Moses spoke with God at the burning bush, or how Ignatius Loyola and Martin Luther listened to the divine call, or how Mohammed was instructed by Allah to write down the suras of the Koran. As a person of faith, you venerate those who heard God's voice and translated it into wisdom for the world.

Suppose you are not a religious person but a secular humanist, committed to living an ethical and self-aware life. Then Socrates would be one of your guides. He formulated his philosophy through dialogue with the Athenians around him. But, it turns out, Socrates also regularly turned inward, listening to an inner voice that he termed his "daimonion." Rather than consult the sanctioned oracle at Delphi, he strictly obeyed the unique voice in his head.

Daniel B. Smith, in the articulate, engaging, and deeply researched "Muses, Madmen, and Prophets," wrestles with what it means to hear voices. Saint, scholar, or schizophrenic -- why do we assign differing values and valences to individuals who hear voices, and to what their voices say? "

WebPages about people hearing voices.

This link might have ceased to exist ?

" The Voice
My second example is the only time in my life when that inner voice shouted at me.  It was quite an experience.  My wife and I had been weighing the pros and cons of bringing a child into this world.  We wanted to make a planned and informed decision.  This is the biggest decision in life, and we wanted to be absolutely sure it was the right decision.  We talked about the financial side, we talked about the emotional side, we talked about what we would give up, and what we would gain.  We thought, pondered, researched, and discussed for weeks. Then one day, as I was driving to work with the radio off, and thinking to myself, I heard a voice loud and clear, It's for her.
With those words came a clear understanding.  My wife was meant to have a child.  It was part of the experience she was meant to have on this planet, during this lifetime.  Looking back on it, that voice was right; my wife has been a wonderful mother, like she was meant to do it, like it was the missing part of her existence finally filled in.  That's one voice I'm so happy I listened to as bringing our daughter into this world has brought more joy than I ever imagined. "


" For the past 2-3 years, I "heard" a voice in my head warning me that my dad wouldn't be around for much longer. He was in his mid-fifties and in good health, so there should have been no reason for me to think these things. On January 15th, 2010, he was diagnosed with Colon Cancer. He passed away on February 21st, only 37 days after diagnosis. "


" Has anyone ever heard a voice that warned them of danger, not voices that schizophrenics hear, but normal people who have in the past heard a voice that told them: "Watch out for...". I did once and it saved my life from a knife attack.
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 .yes when I was a kid I once thought I heard my Mom call me from down the street to come home. When I came home via riding my bike she said she hadn't called me.

The next day she had a dream that I had been hit by a car while riding my bike. To this day she thinks I heard the voice of God calling me home and that it prevented me from getting hit by a car... who knows.

All I know is that I heard the voice distinctly and no I am not crazy. =)

. . .
 .Not a voice but a "feeling of knowing". Here's what happened on one such occasion. Many years ago some friends and I were on our way to an outdoor concert. (Steven's Point 1970) I was driving with four other friends in my car. We had made a stop at a service station just off the highway. It wasn't a freeway, so when returning to the highway, we had to stop at a sign and wait for an opening in traffic to turn right onto the highway. While waiting, for no explainable reason, I felt I needed to move, and I needed to do it immediately. I couldn't go forward as there were no openings in the traffic, so I put the car in reverse and backed up maybe 25 feet. My friends in the car were asking what the &*%& I was doing. I stopped and faced forward in time to watch a semi veer off the highway, and pass right through the spot where we'd been sitting a second or two earlier. It drove over the curb, and plowed into a rise in the ground where the service station sign was mounted. The driver got out, as people from the station gathered around; he was OK. My friends were shocked and frightened, and asked how I knew; I had no real answer to that, I just knew I needed to move out of the way. We were all crowded into a Karmann-Ghia, a small car, had we stayed where we were, without question, the car would have been crushed, killing everyone. As it turned out, no one was hurt, and we all had something to think about; we drove for quite awhile in silence, thankful to be alive, and on our way to a great three day music festival "


" All of a sudden, a voice came in my head. This voice was louder than any mental voice I have ever heard before, and I have never heard it since. It shouted, simply, "Slow down! NOW!" I immediately did so, and barely made the curve towards home. I was right on the edge of it, but I didn't go over. "

Perhaps no good links ?


" How To Hear God - Hearing God Speak Through Intuition
There are many ways to hear God. Intuition is one of the ways that God uses to speak to you. "


" We cannot s hear our intuition speaking if we do not learn to stop the chatter in our mind or find some quietness. Suggestion- shut off the radio, CD player and stereos when you are alone in the car or at home, so you can hear your inner voice better. "